Life in Valencia Is Fascinating – Lee

life in valencia as an expat

This is all about life in Valencia with Lee, an American who moved here from California about six months ago. I always enjoy speaking with both recent and long-timers in the city to find out how their life in Valencia came about. Life In Valencia As An American Expat: Lee moved here to Valencia without having ever visited and it was a pivot from a … Read more

Preparing For Expat Life Success And Ignoring The Naysayers

It’s stressful when preparing for expat life. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. One of the hardest parts of leaving your home country and moving to another country is leaving the people that you love most, namely family and friends. You know there is an exciting future ahead of you, but you can’t help but … Read more

The Biggest Lie Expats Tell Themselves

the biggest lie expats tell themselves

Can you tell what the biggest lie expats tell themselves is? Chances are, If you’re an ex-pat, you more than likely are guilty of this. The road to failure is filled with good intentions seems to be an appropriate saying here. This thought occurred to me as l was reading a review about a clinic I … Read more